
Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist are the three rites of Christian initiation. Confirmation grounds us in our vocation as Christian disciples and seals us in our mission to be holy people and make Christ known to those around us. Before Jesus left the earth, he promised his apostles that he would send them the Holy Spirit to remind them of all Jesus taught and to strengthen them in faith.

Frequently Asked Questions

How is this Sacrament administered?
Confirmation is administered through the anointing on the candidate’s forehead with the oil of Chrism and the laying on of hands.

What does the anointing mean?
The seal of the Holy Spirit is a sign that we belong to Christ. It is a sign of belonging but it also commissions us to give witness to our faith. In the Old Testament, priests, prophets and kings were anointed with oil.

At what age does my child receive Confirmation?
Generally a child receives Confirmation at the age of 12 in Grade 7.

How do I prepare my child for Confirmation?
Children in Catholic schools are prepared for Confirmation in Grade 7. Children who do not attend a Catholic school require two years of PREP classes to prepare for Confirmation.

How do I find out more about PREP?
Please contact our PREP Coordinator listed on this website.

If my child is not baptized but wants to be confirmed with the rest of his or her class, what do I do?
At the beginning of the school year, contact the parish office to arrange for the appropriate preparation for Baptism. Only baptized Catholic children can be confirmed and “last-minute baptisms” will not be celebrated.

I am a baptized adult but I have not been confirmed. How do I become confirmed?
Please see ~ Adult Confirmation PREP

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