If you like meeting and greeting people, then the hospitality ministry is for you. Ushers are the face of the parish, offering a warm welcome to all who gather for Mass – regulars and newcomers alike. The 9 am Coffee Crew on Sundays is also part of this ministry.
What is expected of an Usher?
Ushers are expected to be at Mass fifteen minutes early to make sure the church is ready for the Eucharistic celebration and to greet parishioners with a smile and bulletin or other materials as needed. They also provide a welcome source of information for newcomers. During Mass ushers take up the collection, and once Mass has ended, ensure that lights and fans are turned off, the pews are tidied up and the doors are securely shut.
To learn more about the Hospitality Ministry contact coordinator Gerry Macken (Ushers) at 604-222-1369