News/Events Category: Featured Announcements

On the Monday evening of Lent please join us for Faith Formation Evenings sponsored by Development & Peace and The Parish.

There are 6 Engaging Evenings from 7:00pm – 8:30pm  on Social Justice Teachings of the Church and a Faith Series on Catholicism.

Come watch a video, have a coffee and engage fellow parishioners in a  conversation.

Monday March 10

Catholicism Series of Bishop Robert Barron – 

“Amazed and Afraid: The revelation of God Become Man.”                                    

Monday March 17     

Social Justice 

Monday March 24   

Catholicism Series of Bishop Robert Barron –     

“Happy are We – The Teachings of Jesus”

Monday March 31      

Social Justice

Monday April 7           

Catholicism Series of Bishop Robert Barron –       

“The Indispensable Men: Peter, Paul, and the Missionary Adventure.”         

Monday April 14         

Social Justice

Come and Join for Any or All of The Above – No Charge     

Please bring a non-perishable food item for Sakura So –       

An Inner-city Ministry on East side of Vancouver.

PREP stands for Parish Religious Education Program. This is an Archdiocesan program of religious instruction for children in Kindergarten or Grades 1-7 who attend the public or independent schools. Preparation for the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Communion and Confirmation is included in the program. For school age children who have not been baptized or who have had no religious education, more individualized arrangements may be necessary.

PREP classes are held on Tuesday evenings at our Parish. If Tuesday does not suit a family’s schedule, PREP classes can be taken at other parishes in the Archdiocese of Vancouver. Contact our PREP Coordinator for information.


Where are PREP classes held?
Classes are held at OLPH Parish.

When does PREP take place?
PREP is held from September to June each year. Classes are on Tuesday evenings from 6:30-7:30 pm. The first class and registration is usually on the third Tuesday of September.

What are the fees?

It is $150 for one child in K & grades 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6 for each child for the entire year.

Due to the special requirements for those preparing for the sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation, the fee for Grade 2 and Grade 7  is $200 for the year.

This fee partially covers the costs of textbooks, workbooks and classroom materials. Regular fees are due on the first day of classes in September. After October 31, a late fee will be levied. If you have trouble paying the full fee, please contact the pastor.

Students in Catholic schools who wish to prepare for the sacraments at OLPH Parish pay a flat fee of $100.

What is required?
For those registered at another parish, that Pastor’s permission is needed to attend PREP at OLPH Parish.
Parents must be registered in a parish in order for their child to receive the sacraments.
A copy of the child’s Baptismal Certificate for PREP 2 and PREP 7.
Grade 7 children must attend a half-day or full-day retreat with OLPH students in the fall and/or in the spring. PREP 6 and 7 students must complete the required service component.

Please use this Application Form and email it to


Food Preparation Program for Inner Hope Society 

Meal Preparation Programs are held on the 2nd Saturday of every month at OLPH. Our volunteers buy, prepare and cook food in the parish hall kitchen and this food is then taken to the Inner Hope Society in Vancouver. Please SIGN UP HERE if you are able to be a part of our team! Please bring a mask and an apron with you and meet in the the hall kitchen by 9:30am. Meal Preps will be 3 – 3.5 hours.

If you are not able to make your session, please delete your name from the sign-up, find your own substitute and have your substitute sign up on Sign-Up Genius.

If you have any questions, please contact your session leader or the parish office at

* All volunteers should be 16 years and older. 

At our Parish, the first Sunday of the month from October till June is reserved for a special Children’s Mass. The dates in 2025 are: Feb 2,  Mar 2, Apr 6, May 4 and June 1, at the 9:00am Mass. All children are invited to sign up to help at this special Mass. They can be readers, greeters, gift bearers, ushers or being a choir member.

To sign your child up for a role, please click here: Children Mass Sign Up 

During the great season of Lent,  we will pray the Stations of the Cross on each Friday night at 6:30pm in the Church.     

The Dates are: March 7, 14, 21, 28 ; April 4, 11, 18                    

After the prayer, all parishioners are invited downstairs for a bowl of soup and bread. There will be free will offering towards the work of Development and Peace.                                                       

Please bring a non-perishable food item for Sakura So, an inner-city ministry on the East Side of Vancouver.

ALPHA creates a safe space for you to explore life, faith, and God in a relaxed atmosphere and fun environment. ALPHA is a 11-week course where you can explore faith, know Jesus and experience God’s invitation.

ALPHA is unique because there is no pressure, no follow up and no charge but a complimentary meal to enjoy. (Please bring a non-perishable food item for Food Bank)

♥ Every Alpha session has three key elements:

  • Fellowship ~ Connect over a hot meal.
  • Content presented by an interactive video talk that freely explores the basics of Christian faith.
  • Conversations around your table discussing and exploring the topic of the night in a friendly and warm ambience.

11 Sessions: OCT 21, 28, NOV 4, 18, 25, DEC 2, 9, 16, JAN 6, 13, 20 

Time: 6:30pm – 8:30pm

Venue: Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church (Parish Hall)