Online Giving

Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish appreciates your donations. You may choose to donate online to any of the worthy initiatives described below.

*Donation amount should be in decimal form, with two decimal places eg $10.00
Minimum donation amount is $10.00

For donations to Project Advance, please make your donation directly to the Archdiocese of Vancouver. CLICK HERE TO DONATE

Online donations may be directed to:

Sunday Donation
– One-time donation
– For recurring donations, please use  My Parish Offering Plan 2023 which needs to be filled out and emailed to or dropped off at the parish office.

The Centennial Project
To mark the significance of this event, we have looked at how we can serve our congregation better.

An elevator to facilitate the use of washrooms and the Parish Hall for the elderly and
wheelchair users

-The placement of the tabernacle behind the altar as mandated by the Archdiocese of Vancouver
-Updated alcoves for the icon of Our Lady of Perpetual Help and St Alphonsus
-Updated furnishings in the sanctuary
-Improved lighting in the side aisles and better overall sound system
-Organized seating for the choir area
-A new Redemptorist stained glass window to mark the Centennial

The primary objectives of these changes are greater accessibility for all and fuller participation in the Eucharist. An elevator, something we have discussed for years, would make the church more accessible for Mass, prayer visits, study programs and hospitality for the elderly and wheelchair users. The lack of easy access to the washrooms keeps some people away from Church and prevents them from joining in parish activities.

On the main level, the proper designation of the tabernacle was a high-priority recommendation made by Archbishop Miller in his 2019 Pastoral Visit to OLPH Parish. We knew this would require significant redesigning of the sanctuary. Brighter lights and better sound will also ensure a fuller participation in the Mass for all. The estimated cost of this undertaking is $220,000.                          

Project Advance– As 2023 unfolds, let us pause to recall that together we are the one Body of Christ. Thanks to your support, Project Advance makes possible the many ministries and programs that bring us together, further our evangelizing mission, and build spaces for worship and learning.

Past supporters of Project Advance would have received a letter from Archbishop Miller by now. More details of the Appeal can be found at With your support during this very unusual time, Project Advance will again meet the needs of both our parish community and the Archdiocese.
Click here to donate

Icon of Love Scholarship Fund – The Icon of Love Scholarship Fund was set up to mark the 150th Jubilee of the Icon of Our Lady of Perpetual Help. The fund is aimed at cultivating and supporting the musical talents of young people aged 12- 17 who are actively involved in the parish’s Music Ministry. The Scholarship entitles the recipient to $1,200 to be used for music instruction for a year.

Jubilee Grotto Fund –   The Jubilee Grotto marks the the 150th Jubilee of the Icon of Our Lady of Perpetual Help. It was built to create a sacred space at the north-side grass embankment of the church grounds. The area around the grotto has been landscaped to create a peaceful, prayerful setting for meditation, prayer and a gathering place for special liturgical celebrations. Constant upgrades and maintenance is needed to keep it looking beautiful.

Seismic Upgrade Fund –  The Seismic Upgrade of OLPH Parish is a major infrastructure undertaking being studied by the Finance Council.

Youth Ministry –  The OLPH Youth Ministry was set up to help keep young people connected to the faith. Funds will go into providing resources and developing the skills and talents of young people in our parish so that they may become active participants in leading and sharing their faith with their peers as well as the wider parish community.

Help for the Needy – Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish supports families in impoverished situations in other parts of the city as well as in rural parts of Canada, especially in areas where Redemptorists are involved. Your support would be very appreciated.

Friends of Liguori – Friends of Liguori reaches out to meet the spiritual, emotional and material needs of our community. Its mission, inspired by St. Alphonsus Ligouri, the founder of the Redemptorists, is to encounter God through the poor and introduce the poor to the love of God. We provide financial support with gift certificates, grocery cards, and by paying for pharmacy prescriptions and counselling when possible.

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